Monday, November 01, 2004

Mage LARP and food

Mage LARP tonight. I managed to stay in costume for nearly an hour or so, but after that I just had to take it off. I had trouble with hearing through the bandages, I had no peripheral vision, and I couldn't read my frickin character sheet with my sunglasses on.

It was a great, and quintessential Mage game. We got attacked by Technocrats, we dealt with spirits, we tried to solve problems, and we argued. A lot. We argued A LOT. Which was fun. I also got shot...with plasma. But Mind 1 creates a wonderful seratonin buzz, so that worked out all right in the end (after someone did some judicious healing on me). I also got a Paradox backlash that made my character dead on paper. Remember that scene from Hackers? The one that goes like: "You were enquiring about a Special Agent Richard Gill, sir? I'm sorry, but he's dead." "I'm WHAT???"

One of my best quotes of the night: "The New World Order. They're like a bunch of me's, only less obnoxious and less geeky."

Most amusing action: Trying to guilt a Technocrat into not shooting someone by projecting images of puppy dogs and Jesus into his mind to make him think of peace. He rebelled against the puppy dog images. Apparently Technocrats hate puppies. A true sign that they're all evil.

I also came up with a t-shirt slogan: "Everything I Know About Third Degree Burns I Learned From a Plasma Cannon". Mind the plasma cannons. They hurt. A lot. REALLY a lot.

There were also many sweets. One of the players brought a lot of food, from home made baklava and shortbread (dear god was it good shortbread), I brought macaroons, someone brought brownies...etc, etc, etc. I'm stuffed.


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