Monday, November 08, 2004

Edwardian Dragons

From "A Treatise on Draconus Europus Nobilis, the Noble European Dragon, and Its Vulgar Cousins" by Doctor Archibald Theodore Elliot Maximillian Telac of the University of Applied Draconic Studies, London. Pub. 1908

...under the assumption that "dragon" is a term representative of a single species without divergent parts. Such individuals are as like to associate the Greater Vulgar American Mountain Dragon with the Noble Russian Wyverns that live only in the Ural Mountains.

As such, precious page length is to be wasted on the catologuing of the five main distinctive types of dragons.

Dragon denotes a reptillian, most often no less than fifteen feet in length and seldom surpassing three hundred, with one pair of wings, four legs, and a tail. A dragon commonly is grouped into Lesser, denoting a dragon of no more than fifty feet in length, and Greater, denoting a dragon of more than fifty one feet in length. They are further divided into Noble, denoting a dragon that posesses additional properties beyond its claws, teeth, and flight, and Vulgar, denoting a dragon without such qualities, and commonly posessing wings that lack the ability to fly. The Noble dragons typically posess a form of natural self defense expelled from the mouth, generally either fire or some other noxious substance either in the form of a gas or a liquid, but some have been able to expel blasts of freezing winds, sands, and solid objects. Other common abilities include avisbility, the ability to dissapear from sight; quickened regeneration capabilities; and a variety of other specific talents. Most notably, the Lesser Noble London Belfry Dragon is known for its ability to expel great gouts of steam from its mouth, making it very useful as a source of propulsion and power for airships and buildings.

A drake is a reptilian creature with four limbs and a tail, lacking a dragon's wings and commonly never exceeding a length of fifty feet. Lesser drakes typically grow to fifteen feet, while greater drakes can reach fifty feet, and occasionally longer. Drakes commonly have a greater speed of ground movement than dragons, owing to greater muscle mass around the legs, and some are even able to balance on their tail to stand on their hind legs, though this is a capacity generally held by the Lesser Drakes and much less commonly by the Greater of the species. Drakes, universally, do not posess any sort of breathable form of offense, though some Noble drakes posess a sort of "aura" which generates either extreme heat or extreme cold, and some secrete acid or other noxious substances from their hide (such as the Greater Noble Gobi Drake which secrets acid and posesses skin which creates an electrical charge upon contact.)

Third is the wyvern, characterized as a large reptilian, typically between ten and thirty feet in height, with a pair of back legs, wings, and a tail. Wyverns are typically not classed by size, but are simply divided into Noble, denoting wyverns who posess some form of poison, either in their bite or their tail, and Vulgar who posess no such apparatus. Generally wyverns are found in very cold climates, and seem naturally adapted to such areas. The skin of a wyvern, either Noble or Vulgar, is highly toxic, and should not be consumed.

A fourth category is the wyrm, which is characterized as a long, snake like reptile, typically no longer than fifteen feet, posessing a single set of frontal legs, and lacking wings. Wyrms are classed into the very common Lesser, who do not exceed fifteen feet, and the rare Greater who have been noted to grow as long as fifty feet. The wyrm typically attacks its prey by constriction, like the American anaconda. They do not posess a poisonous bite or any other unconventional properties.

The final category is the serpent, denoting reptiles without limbs, measuring up to five hundred feet in length. Lesser serpents do not exceed one hundred feet, while Greater serpents have been known to crush entire sailing ships whole, devouring the crews alive. Serpents are typically aquatic and amphibious, rarely venturing on to land, and devouring animals such as whales and sharks for sustance. They are very rarely seen on land, but when such is the case they have been known to move with incredible speed. They posess no additional capabilities of interest.

The general intelligence of dragon breeds is below human, though they do appear to posesss a certain animal cunning that makes them exceedingly dangerous unless raised and handled properly. His Majesty's Dragonic Guard are skilled dragon riders with a long, proud tradition stretching back to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. A case study of dragonic intelligence can be found...


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