Thursday, October 22, 2009

Faculty Town Hall meeting!

Faculty of Information town hall meeting!

Next Wednesday! 5pm-6pm, Medical Sciences 3154!

Dear First Year MI Students

Thank you for raising your concerns about mechanisms for delivery of the new core courses with me yesterday. As you know, we wish to be responsive to concerns raised by students, especially as we implement the program’s new curriculum. I have gone away to think about all the issues you raised and am having discussions with my colleagues to see what approaches we can take to address them as quickly as possiible.

As I felt that many of you did not have a chance to speak, I offered yesterday to arrange another session. To that end, I have booked Room 3154 in Medical Sciences Building from 17:00-18:00 on Wednesday 28th of October so that we can continue our conversation and so that the Faculty can take necessary steps to ensure a quality educational experience.

I do hope that you will all be able to attend at ths time.

Once again, thank you for your comments yesterday.

Yours Sincerely

Dr Seamus Ross
Dean and Professor
Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
Telephone: 416 978 3202


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why was the "events for the following week" email sent out this morning, and this crucial event was missing from it? Forget that this was what people really want to attend and nobody gives two flips about the iTea, let's just leave this off. I know it has a big buzz already, but I also know a lot of second years don't even know it's happening.

3:59 p.m.  

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