Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The Election

I had a big post done up about the election, and the problems that I have with Bush. An internal server error ate it.

I wrote another post summarizing the missing post...and I had it copy-pasted to a text file to post later...but instead I copy-pasted an internal servor error message over it by mistake.

Minding that I'm a Canadian...

...very simply, I think that there's some bad times ahead with Bush as president. I disagree with most of what he stands for, and I don't think that he values human life in the slightest despite claiming to. I'm not talking about abortion, I think women have the right to decide what happens in their own bodies. I'm talking about the fact that he has murdered thousands of Iraqis, many of whom had the misfortune of being in the wrong place when the bombs hit, and the fact that he's sent over a thousand of his own countrymen to their deaths, with no end in sight. I furthemore do not think that he values human rights beyond his own, highly stilted and perverted view of the religion he claims to practice.

What do I look for in a world leader? Compassion, tolerance, mercy, intelligence, logic, peace, and utter lack of religious fanaticism. George W Bush embodies none of these qualities.


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