Saturday, April 09, 2005

In a Place Rather Unlike Nevada

I saw Sin City. Wow. Words can't quite express the depth to which I am enamoured with this movie.

For one thing, the black and white seemed so natural. And the credit sequence...when the title goes up on the screen you feel like you're watching something old. The actors fit right into the style, to. Bruce Willis has always done hardboiled cops well, and he just seems to fit totally naturally into a black and white movie. The man's getting old, but he has style. And there are these artsy cuts that, man, take me right back to the sort of surreal setup shots that happen in the black and white movies I enjoy so much (unreal, big shadows cast through windows, other stuff that really sets the scene but has this edge of surreality to it).

It's not quite one movie, though. It's really three. The stories of Hartigan, Marv, and Dwight dovetail at times, but barely mesh. You could chop it into a couple 40 minute TV movies and it'd work just as well. Still...together it comes out nice.

Watching this, I can see why Miller wrote a good Batman. I'm not a big fan of Dark Knight Returns, but watching the movie, if its anything like the comics, you can see that Miller had a grasp of the sort of world that the Batman lives in. Basin City was essentially a Gotham sub-in with less costumes and more sleeze.

Now, I've heard from a friend that, apparently, in the comics Marv is some kind of telekinetic. Or maybe that was Dwight. Either way, watching the two handle themselves there's something innately superhuman there. Marv breaks down walls, cars, and people, mowing through them like they aren't there. He takes the sort of damage that normally has Bruce lying on his back in the Batcave feeling sorry for himself. And Dwight? My big question is: how far, exactly, did he fall off that building?

It's a dark, gritty movie that could be modeled decently with Adventure!. Give Marv Pile Driver and really low level Body of Bronze and watch him beat the crap out of the mooks.

By far, however, I found the creepiest character in the movie to be Kevin. Elijah Wood, not saying a word. Frodo gone bad. Wood recalling back to his days in The Good Son when he played another young psychopath. Kevin was by far the most incredible thing out of the movie, even discounting That Yellow Bastard's rather...unique...revivification. Claws, funky martial arts, cannibalism, and not saying a word? Just...creepy.

Additionally, her work here convinces me that Jessica Alba could be Doctor Angela "The Engineer" Spica in a movie version of The Authority.

Oh, and speaking of comic book movies, word has it that Robert Kirkman has been optioned off to adapt Invincible to the silver screen. Pray with me, brothers and sisters, to see Invincible beat down people in live action.


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