Thursday, February 03, 2005

A Good Day

Its been a Good Day. Mom sent me a bit of extra cash out of the blue (she later recieved a slightly worried call as I called to ask if she knew where the money had come from, as I was half afraid I'd entered the deposit for my paycheck incorrectly into the ATM), so I bought a couple DVDs (The Court Jester and Scanners I), grabbed the rest of the Fourth World TPBs, as well as the latest Books of Magic and Small Gods TPBs. Also picked up the Demo Scriptbook by Brian Wood (creator of Channel Zero). One of these days I'm actually going to sit down with my Powers, Queen & Country, and Demo scriptbooks, Absolute Planetary, and 1602 and write up a big old set of point-to-point comparisons of each writer's scripting styles. I also have a friend who's an indi comic writer, and I may try to get a script or two off him to look at.

I also waited in line today to get my Health Card renewed. For those of you not living in the land of Northern ice and snow and igloos (and polar bears!), in Canada we have universal health care. The way this is handled is that all citizens are assigned a Health Card, with a number, their picture, and their permanent adress. This is required at all hospitals and the like, and guarantees treatment (more or less). Anyway, the photo ID Heatlh Cards expire every 5 years on your birthday. My birthday's coming up (there will be a surprise announcement). The offices of the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (at least I think that's what OHIP stands for) are all the way in the hellborn back of beyond (Yonge & Shepphard). So up there I trudged and waited for 45 minutes or so, and then had to explain to the nice lady (she was nice, to be honest) why my signature had changed over the course of the last 5 years, and why I didn't want to have to apply for a new Health Card in April because I'd left residence (I managed to convince her that Oakville was my permanent residence because I got most of my mail there). Anyway, it all worked out in the end. Then I got comics.

I also got to eat at a nice little Himilayan restaraunt tonight. Big old $20 feast...that gives sufficient food to make even ME full. Tandoori chicken and prawn, lamb curry, Himilayan sausage, sauteed okra, basmati rice, tandoori naan, rice and pork soup, rice pudding, and sauteed onion...dear god was it filling. And never disappointing. The guys at "Kathmandu" (on Yonge Street down from Wellesly) restaraunt know how to cook.

And now I watch Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. I am happy. It has been a good day.


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